See Dunhuang Again, a walking performance, is presented to you in an epic way. ENNE, who is in the sound system, will lead you through thousands of years.
2018/11/19 1098
The convention shows luxury, advanced lighting visual effect, international artists' strength, gorgeous lifting T table design, luxury theme party, and the most avant-garde and fashionable electric sound club.
2018/11/19 867
On December 9, the first Hainan Island International Film Festival International Film Festival was officially opened in beautiful Sanya. Eight exhibition units, including Haijiao International Unit, which focuses on island films, Tianya International Unit, which focuses on northern films, Caizhu - China Film Unit, Shibei - World's Best Film Unit, Peking Opera Film Unit, VR Film Unit, Silent Voice silent film live soundtrack unit, and Hainan New Power Unit, which promotes local filmmakers in Hainan, appeared in succession, Fans can enjoy 100 masterpieces from more than 30 countries and regions at home and abroad, enjoy the wonderful light and film feast at home and abroad, and experience the colorful and wonderful film culture
2019/01/07 569
2019/01/07 516
中升集团控股有限公司(中升集团)是中国领先的全国性汽车经销商集团之一。集团拥有广泛的全国性4S (包括销售、零部件、售后服务及信息调查)经销店网络,覆盖经济发达的地区及城市。中升集团专注于经营豪华和中高档品牌组合,包括梅赛德斯─奔驰、雷克萨斯、奥迪、保时捷、路虎、丰田、日产、大众、克莱斯勒、本田等品牌。中升集团是中国首家获得丰田经销权的经销商,以及中国最早获雷克萨斯及奥迪经销代理权的公司之一。此次
2019/01/07 493
上海国际电影论坛暨展览会(简称:CinemaS),影响亚洲电影工业发展的先锋会展品牌。自2012年创办以来,始终秉承"引导行业 促进发展 共创多赢"的服务宗旨,持续发挥引导中国电影、影院、泛娱乐产业发展,促进综合性信息交互以及电影行业内外合作的载体作用,忠实记录并积极推动着中国电影产业思路演进、技术革新。上海国际电影展览会为期三天,分为影院设施与技术展区、影院卖品展区、点播影院
2019/01/08 359